Our Work

Empowering Educators and School Leaders to Create Inclusive, Adaptive, and Future-Ready Learning Environments.


World Savvy offers impactful partnerships designed to support educators and school leaders in transforming the education system and graduating globally competent students.


Why Choose World Savvy?

Experience the World Savvy Difference

When you partner with World Savvy, you’ll receive the consistent, wrap-around support needed to operationalize your mission and vision and shift practice inside your school or district.

Proven Track Record:

Since 2002, we have impacted over 922,000 students and nearly 7,400 educators across 45 states and 32 countries, demonstrating our expertise in education and our commitment to making a difference.

Holistic Approach:

Our programs are designed to capitalize on the good work that is already taking place inside a school and district. We are not "one more thing.” Instead, we provide an organizing framework for initiatives such as STEM, SEL, DEIJ, PBL, Civics, and CTE, and ensure that all efforts are working towards a common goal.

Customized Support:

We understand that each school and district is unique. Our programs are tailored to your specific needs, providing personalized guidance and resources to help you achieve your goals.

Collaborative Community:

Our programs provide the time and space for educators and school leaders to learn from and with each other—building a network of schools and districts committed to creating future-ready learning environments that are inclusive, adaptive, and focused on the success of all students.

Engaging Resources:

We provide tools and frameworks that support school partners to reimagine education and think systemically about elevating the essential skills and dispositions we know young people need.

Choose World Savvy to embark on a transformative journey towards global competence and future-ready education for your school or district.


Comprehensive School Partnerships

Building Inclusive, Adaptive, and Future-Ready Learning Environments

A Comprehensive School Partnerships is a multi-year collaborative journey combining engaging resources and dynamic professional learning with the power of 1:1 coaching to embed global competence into teaching, learning, and school culture. Together, we'll develop essential skills and dispositions in students, empowering them to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world.

Learn More about Comprehensive School Partnerships

Key Features:
  • 1:1 Coaching
  • Workshops & Institutes
  • Frameworks
  • Resources
  • Knowledge-to-Action Experiences
  • Consulting

District Partnerships

Leading for Global Competence

Transforming Education through Visionary Leadership

The Leading for Global Competence series is a dynamic professional learning experience that supports school and district leaders to think creatively about the systems and practices that can support global competence throughout a district. Throughout the cohort, you and your team will participate in engaging workshops, insightful dialogue, and immersive exploration, while gaining access to exclusive frameworks and resources to develop action steps toward a future-ready education for your students.

Learn More about Leading for Global Competence

Key Features:
  • 12 hours of professional learning
  • Exclusive World Savvy frameworks and resources
  • Steps to implement future-ready education
  • Resources for teachers, administrators, and leaders 
  • Approaching system changes with curiosity and collaboration

Profile of a Graduate

Collaboratively Defining the Future of Education in Your District

We support school districts to create graduate profiles that center global competence and guide the work of everyone inside a district, kindergarten through 12th grade. Taking place over an entire school year, this work includes professional learning for district and building leaders, listening sessions and surveys to gather feedback from various stakeholders in the community, and support to both design and implement the new profile of a graduate.

Learn More about the Profile of a Graduate Program

Key Features:
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Customized Professional Development
  • Gradual Process
  • Comprehensive Report
  • Knowledge-to-Action Experiences
  • Pathway to Comprehensive Partnership

Global Competence Situation Assessment

An In-Depth Analysis for Global Competence Integration in Your District

A Global Competence Situation Assessment is a systematic and participatory process to generate a deeper understanding of the strengths, assets, challenges, and barriers to embedding global competence education in a school or district. The process can help key stakeholders understand the appropriateness of global competence interventions to their specific context, avoid duplication of efforts, and provide a baseline for program evaluation. The situation assessment should be participatory, involving a core group of supportive stakeholders who offer diverse perspectives but share a genuine interest, capacity, and willingness to engage fully in the process of inquiry. The specific process will be outlined in collaboration with the partner and can include elements such as document review, interviews, focus groups, and surveys.

Learn More about Global Competence Situation Assessment

Key Features:
  • Surveys tailored to capture diverse experiences and viewpoints
  • Focus group discussions to foster open dialogue and generate a broader perspective
  • Comprehensive report detailing strengths, opportunities, and recommendations
  • Pathway to Comprehensive Partnership

Changemaker Hubs

Transforming Education, By Students, For Students

Changemaker Hubs are immersive, day-long events that unite students, educators, community figures, and school leaders around one mission: reimagining an inclusive, future-ready education. Through the Knowledge-to-Action Process, students blend personal experiences with newfound insights to think critically and creatively about what school can and should look like. Concurrently, educators engage in professional learning centered around global competence and how the craft resonant, student-centered learning experiences. The day thrives on rich dialogues from business leaders discussing essential employability skills to introspective reflections on the evolving school experience. These conversations inspire students to forge actionable solutions, echoing in community dialogues and perfectly embodying World Savvy's overarching vision for schools and districts.

Learn More about Changemaker Hubs

Key Features:
  • Day-long design thinking experience
  • Experience the Knowledge-to-Action Process
  • Professional learning for educators
  • Rich dialogue from students, educators, and community members

Insights from Our Partners


"Perhaps most important is the way in which World Savvy has supported our Cohort’s development of global competencies; as leaders, we are encouraged to do the deep work of sorting out where we are, where we would like to be, and how we can best get there. If you are looking for an organization to facilitate leadership work in your district or school around creating inclusive, adaptive, and future-ready classrooms, I highly recommend World Savvy."

- Camilla Modesitt, Administrator
Denver Public Schools

We're Proud to Work With:

Empower your school or district with a World Savvy Partnership

Our partnerships support your team in embedding global competence into teaching, learning, and culture and help co-create future-ready schools. Plus, you'll join a growing community of educators and leaders dedicated to fostering engaging, inclusive learning environments for every student.

Contact Us to Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Our evidence based principles (Cultivating Connections, Promoting Active Learning Through Inquiry, Fostering Knowledge-to-Action, and Reflecting and Adapting) are grounded in robust research that supports their fidelity and efficacy. Education scholars and practitioners have empirically studied and witnessed, in the classroom, the integral role these principles play for student success. Costa & Kallick for example, highlight the effects of reflection on making active linkages between taught knowledge and experiences students have in everyday life (2008).

Our coaching model is also well supported by research. Frazier highlights evidence on the impact of instructional coaching on teacher competency and student success. In this particular study, both educator and student growth data shows coaching to have a statistically significant positive effect (2018). All these components and more come together in World Savvy models such as Comprehensive School Partnerships, Leadership Cohorts, Educator Workshops, and Changemaker Hubs.

Global competence is not an initiative. Instead, it is an organizing framework under which multiple goals that exist inside districts and schools can fit – things like social emotional learning, project-based learning, equity work, and career readiness. World Savvy supports school leaders and educators to use global competence as a way to make meaning out of seemingly disconnected initiatives so that everyone can accomplish their goals. Our work makes things easier for people, not harder.

Our pricing is determined by the scope of services provided, and is responsive to the size and needs of the school or district. We have mechanisms in place to support schools who are deeply committed to adopting this work or partnering with us but who may lack the resources to engage fully.

World Savvy believes our work is for everyone. We partner with public, private, independent, and charter schools in urban, suburban, and rural areas. We partner across the K-12 spectrum in all grade levels and subject areas.

At World Savvy, we’re on a mission to educate and engage youth to learn, work, and thrive as responsible global citizens. Using our Comprehensive School Partnership model, we work to shift away from traditional rote teaching and learning, to active, engaged, student-directed learning built around tackling real-world, globally relevant issues in solidarity with community.

To do this, our Comprehensive School Partnership leverages educator and school rubrics as a way for our Professional Learning Facilitators to formatively assess, monitor, and communicate progress toward our four evidence-based principles: Cultivating Connections, Active Learning through Inquiry, Knowledge-to-Action, and Reflecting and Adapting. Through the integration of these principles in tandem with the Global Competence Matrix, teachers, students, staff, and the school community develop a shared language and methodology of competency-based learning.

The success of our work is measured in a variety of ways. As this work is primarily one of culture change, we leverage a variety of both formal and informal indicators to measure success. Informally, we look for all members of the school community to adopt, embed, and live the global competence matrix, centering the values, attitudes, skills, and behaviors in all aspects of school culture. More formally, World Savvy conducts quantitative and qualitative data collection over the course of the 3-year Comprehensive School Partnership and tracks changes in educators and students over time. Some tools we use to measure success include surveys, focus groups, 1:1 interviews, case studies, and observations.

Learning rooted in the pedagogies and philosophies of World Savvy and the International Baccalaureate (IB) complement each other in many ways. Both emphasize reflection, global citizenship, and pedagogical practices that include teaching through inquiry and experiential learning, and education as a vehicle for equitable, just societies at many scales. Both emphasize the significance of student agency, the social construction of knowledge, conceptual understanding that transcends the recall of static information, the critical need for students to engage with globally significant issues at school, the shift of educators from holders of knowledge to facilitators of learning, and that there should be a profile of a graduate as a globally minded citizen and not just a transcript as students emerge out into the broad, post-K-12 world.

There are differences in our program models as well. The primary difference is the implementation methodology and systems of support that World Savvy programs provide to bring this vision to life.

World Savvy’s approach is customized, providing multi-year professional learning and support for whole school communities including, but not limited to individual educators and school leaders, while IB provides predetermined workshops for individuals from schools.

To ensure a shift from theory to practice, World Savvy provides ongoing coaching for educators 6-8 hours per year plus workshops at the school for 3 consecutive years, while IB requires that at least one member of a subject area attend a non customized 2.5-day workshop once every seven years when a new IB curriculum is released.

World Savvy provides extensive pedagogical tools and support for teaching for global competence and for supporting educators and students in cultivating skills in reflection, while IB tells educators and students to reflect and teach through inquiry but provides minimal support on how to accomplish a learning community rooted in reflection and inquiry.

World Savvy provides frameworks and coaching that equip teachers to bring the IB core to life, nurturing students’ conceptual understanding and building transferable skills. World Savvy’s Inquiry, Design, and Knowledge-to-Action processes integrate the IB learner profile and guide students to co-construct knowledge, transforming students’ awareness of themselves and the world as they engage in informed individual and collective action, making the world more just, equitable, and peaceful.

If you are interested in this work but do not feel ready to commit to an in-depth partnership, we suggest a district leadership cohort. This work provides the time and space to think about the moves you can and need to make inside your district to ensure that all students develop the essential skills we know they need. It is a perfect lead up to a Comprehensive School Partnerships and will lay the groundwork for school leaders and educators to get the most out of our work.